Cornflower hydrosol
Anti-inflammatory: Cornflower hydrosol's anti-inflammatory action combats ophthalmic problems such as conjunctivitis or styes. It also calms inflammation of the skin (scratches, redness) and mouth (gingivitis and mouth ulcers).
From 3 months. Orally, spray 1 to 2 squirts into the mouth at the gum or aphta site.
From age 3. Orally, take 2 teaspoons of hydrosol in half a glass of water as a mouthwash, 2 to 3 times a day.
For tired eyes, dark circles and puffy eyelids
From 3 months of age. Cutaneous applicationapply a compress soaked in cornflower hydrosol to the eyes and eye area, twice a day for 5 minutes.
In the event of illness, medical treatment or allergy(ies), consult a health specialist before using any essential oil. Nothing can replace the expertise of a health professional.
Capacity: 100 ml