Wild thyme / Wild thyme hydrolate

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Wild thyme / Wild thyme hydrolate

The wild thyme(Thymus serpyllum) is a creeping plant, familiar from hillsides, slopes and mid-mountain areas. It prefers sunny slopes and meadows, and therefore well-drained soils. Its leaves are tiny and its purple-pink flowers countless. Its fragrance is warm, powerful and pleasant. Lying on a carpet of wild thyme is a health cure in itself. Considered in the Middle Ages as an antidote to the mischief of poisonous animals, wild thyme is used today to treat bronchial problems. It thins and expectorates mucus, soothes coughs and disinfects the respiratory tract.

Thyme serpolet is recognized for its diuretic virtues. It is also useful in cases of stomach flu and heartburn, and can relax overworked or overexcited people.

The purifying properties of wild thyme hydrosol make it an excellent skin cleanser. It also restores energy after physical or mental fatigue. It is also used in oral and dental care.


Hydrosols are highly effective internally for soothing psycho-emotional problems or specific pathologies, and are used as a hydrosol cure when taken internally over a period of 20 to 40 days. It is also possible to take a hydrolat occasionally.

Capacity: 100ml

In the event of illness, medical treatment or allergy(ies), consult a health specialist before use.


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