I discovered their incense, the recipe has remained their secret since the dawn of time...
The history of the Berbers
The Berbers have been present in the Maghreb region for over 5,000 years. A mysterious people, many historians have tried to define their origins without ever succeeding. Persian, Mede, Canaanite, Indian origins. Berbers can be found everywhere... and nowhere. The word Berber comes from the Greek Barbaros, which at the time referred to all "non-Greek" people, i.e. foreigners. Today, Berbers prefer the term Amazigh, meaning "free man".
Berbers and the mountains: To escape the Arab invasions of the 700s AD, the Berbers took refuge in the mountains, in small villages high up in the Rif or Atlas mountains. This conquest of the mountains enabled them to preserve their language and customs. In the same way, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Druze in the Middle East and the Zaydites in Yemen have preferred to set up their villages on high ground, taking refuge in the mountains.
Very powerful incense!
This incense must never come into contact with any other incense.
Against disenchantment and exorcism.
Against the evil eye.
Powerful in magic.
Capacity: 30gr