Grandma's remedies won't get lost...

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Germaine Cousin-Zermatten was born in 1925 in Saint-Martin, on the right bank of the Val d'Hérens, where she still lives and is nicknamed the "green gold fairy". Over the years, she has passed on her knowledge in eight books: Recettes santé de nos grand-tastes and virtues of wild plants; The daily influence of the moon; Liqueurs, aperitifs and syrups; Cataplasms and compresses; Beneficial herbal teas; Meadows and fields cooking; Our grandmothers' good soups. These books will not be republished.

"Les Remèdes de Grand'mère ne se perdront pas..." (Grandmother's Remedies won't be lost...) brings together an important part of her knowledge, updated over time following the exchanges and experiences of all those who shared with her this passion for nature and its powers.

The book is also an invitation to pass it on in the spirit of tradition. Her son Raymond Cousin recounts how he fell into the pot as a child, and how throughout his travels and experiences, he came to realize that all traditions have the same foundation and the same mother: Nature. The close collaboration between Germaine and her son Raymond gives strength and dimension to the transmission of a knowledge that must not be lost.

Treating with the remedies of the great-it's a state of mind, in which the healer is just as important as the remedy, and his caring action is part of the remedy. Gathering and drying plants, preparing or making remedies, applying them with care are acts that are natural and reconnect us with Nature.

In his foreword, Alain Coutaz, founder and President of Mednat Expo, emphasizes that this book is a gift for those who want to discover or relearn the riches that Mother Nature brings us on a daily basis.

267 pages.


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