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Practical workshop, Reading angel cards
Practical workshop, Reading angel cards
How to interpret angel cards?
Doreen Virtue has taught thousands of people around the world how to use her oracle cards for accurate, healing interpretation. The cards allow you to peek into your future and understand how to heal all aspects of your life. By recording this workshop on DVD, Doreen now enables you to experience her teachings at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home*. The program themes developed on this DVD are: how to cleanse and consecrate a deck of Oracle cards, how to interpret the meaning of the cards quickly and easily, different readings, how to interpret the cards for others, how to invoke the angels and much more.* To view the DVD, we recommend that you have a deck of Oracle cards to hand. That way, you'll be able to follow Doreen's practical, step-by-step instructions on how to use them.
1DVD of 68:27