The voice that whispers in your dreams

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The voice that whispers in your dreams

Our dreams hold the key to getting what we want: more money, better health, a new relationship. This audiobook allows you to travel further and effortlessly into the fantastic world of your dreams, on the bridge of self-knowledge and understanding. Davina MacKail draws on her practical experiences as a professional shaman and uses effective shamanic and hypnotic techniques to accompany you on inner journeys of healing. On some of these journeys, you may encounter the voice whispering in your dreams; travel into the Akasha dimension; ask your dreams to help you solve a problem; and eliminate negative dream emotions. Understanding the symbols of your dreams and the dialogue you establish with them contributes to revealing your own splendor and allows you to find yourself in the presence of the inner "dream genie".

2 CDs, duration 112 min.


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